
2022-08-21 06:26

1.Many people think that Internet can take the outside world into our life.
2.Do you like seeing a movie on the Internet?
3.You can download information from the Internet if you need it.
4.You can surf the Internet with the help of the demodulator.
5.It is hard to say that Internet is good or not for us.
1.Many people think that network can bring outside world into our lives
2.Do you like watching movies online?
3.If you need information, you can download from the Internet
4.You can access the help of modem
5.It is difficult to say the network is good or bad for us
many people think the internet can bring the outside world to our life.
do you like wacthing movies online.
you can downloaded things from the Internet if need.
you can surf the net with the help of the modem_
it is hard to discuss weather the internet is good or not.
1 many people think internet can bring the outside world to our life.

2do u like watching movie on net?

3 you can download the information that you want from internet.

4 you can get on internet with the help of modem

5it's hard to tell that internet is a good thing or a bad thing
1.many people think that internet can bring the outside world into our lives
2.do you like seeing films online
3.if you need some some information,you can downland it from inernet
4.you can surf the net with the help of modem
5.it's hard to say whether the internet is good or bad for us
1個回答2024-03-15 04:55
《明碰忙忙忙》是王羽澤演唱的歌曲,由王羽澤作詞枯頃、作曲。收錄在專輯《老婆的歌》中。 中文名 忙忙忙 所屬專輯 老婆的歌 填詞 王羽澤 譜曲沒槐陸 王羽澤
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