
2019-04-16 12:37:34Miss英語筆記15:26 2.1萬


M: Hello everyone! Welcome to another lesson at EnglishPod! My name is Marco.

C: My name is Catherine. So, Marco, what are we talking about today?

M: Today we’re gonna be talking about a popular topic all over the world and that

is smoking.

C: Well, not so popular in the States right now to be honest.

M: Well, that’s the thing in every country in the world. Now they are becoming more strict

on smoking and where you can smoke, so it’s becoming very difficult for smokers


C: Well, it’s a good reason to wanna quit.

M: And that’s what we’re gonna be talking about today is… is quitting smoking.

C: Before we get going, we do have a really important phrase that we should preview in

today’s “vocabulary preview”.

Voice: Vocabulary preview.

M: Alright, so, on vocabulary preview we’re gonna take a look at this word pack of


C: Pack of smokes, so…

M: A… a pack of smokes.

C: So, smokes is a word for cigarettes. It’s the same thing. Smokes are cigarettes.

M: Right, but a pack is, you know, like twenty cigarettes.

C: It’s a box of cigarettes. You buy them in a pack, you don’t just buy one at a time. So,

again, the phrase is pack of smokes.

M: Pack of smokes. So, why don’t we listen to our dialogue for the first time and see what’s

going on with this smoker?


C: Sorry, I just, um… just… smoked a pack of cig[arettes]…

M: Hehe. Do you… you do smoke, don’t you?

C: Well, we’ll talk about that later.

M: Hehe. Alright, so, it is a little bit extreme though, I mean, he’s divorcing here, cause she

won’t quit. [NOTE: actually, she’s divorcing him in the dialogue]

C: Well, some people really are health conscious and are afraid of that negative side of

smoking, which has a lot of health side effects.

M: Yeah, well, as he was complaining about all the negative effects and the negative

aspects of, uh, smoking, he did mention, both of them mentioned a lot of great words and

phrases. So, why don’t we take a look at them now in “l(fā)anguage takeaway”?

Voice: Language takeaway.

C: Well, this first word is a word that’s very important for any smoker who goes to a bar or

a restaurant and needs to put the ash somewhere, right? So, when you smoke, there’s

some ash, there’s some messy dirty stuff and you need an ashtray to collect it.

M: An ashtray.

C: So, an ashtray is something that’s usually round or square and you put it on a table and

it’s just very helpful to keep the house clean or a restaurant clean. So, if you’re in a

restaurant, you say “Hey, can I have an ashtray, please?”

M: Uhu, so, the… the residue or the… the stuff that when you’re smoking, it comes out the

grey, I don’t know, like dust, it’s called ash.

C: Right, and this is a tray, but the… the complaint here is “Oh, it smells like an ashtray in

here”, that means it smells really, really bad in here.

M: Yeah, it smells like cigarettes.

C: Yeah, so, that word again is ashtray.

M: Ashtray, alright. Well, and the guy was complaining and he said “Well, I thought you

were gonna quit smoking” and she said “No, no, I said I was going to cut down”.

C: She says it’s very different from quitting smoking. So, Marco, maybe we should talk

about how cutting down and quitting are different.

M: Alright, so, if I say I’m gonna cut down on smoking, it’s just I’m gonna smoke less.

C: Mm, okay, so, let’s take an example. I smoke ten cigarettes a day, but I wanna cut

down. How many should I smoke later? Maybe…

M: Like two or three.

C: Two or three.

M: Hehe. Instead of quitting. So, if you quit smoking, that would mean zero.

C: Zero cigarettes.

M: Uhu.

C: No smoking anymore.

M: Right.

C: Alright, so you can also cut down on carbs, like carbohydrates. So some people, who

cut down on carbs, eat less bread, they don’t eat any pasta. So these are really good ways

of trying to talk about dieting as well as smoking.

M: Right, and I think we have a couple of examples of other ways we can use this

phrase cut down, so let’s listen to them now.

Voice: Example one.

A: Our company has decided to cut down our workload, so from now on, we leave at three

p.m. every Friday.

Voice: Example two.

B: You should really cut down on the amount of salt you eat. It’s not good for you.

Voice: Example three.

C: My doctor told me I need to cut down on fatty food, because of my heart condition.

C: And when you want to smoke a cigarette you have to do something first with some fires.

We call this lighting up.

M: To light up.

C: So, lighting up, it doesn’t mean turning on the light.

M: No.

C: It actually means using a lighter or some fire to start your cigarette.

M: Right, so, you wanna light up with a lighter, matches or some sort of fire.

C: The… the man says, the husband says “It’s not like you can justlight up like before” that

means it’s not like you can just smoke like before, so…

M: Right.

C: In some cases light up means to smoke a cigarette. Or in a movie theater and someone

lights a cigarette and I say ”Uh! You can’t light up in here!”

M: Right, so, you can’t smoke in here.

C: You can’t smoke in here.

M: It’s another way of saying “smoking”.

C: Uhu.

M: Very good. And she was explaining, you know, how difficult it is and she’s trying to quit,

but she said “I don’t have the willpower to just quit”.

C: Ooh, willpower. So, this is an important word.

M: Willpower.

C: Willpower, you think of the main part of this word is will.

M: Uhu.

C: That means the desire to do something, you wanna do something.

M: So, if I have willpower, I have strong willpower, what am I saying?

C: You’re saying that you can make a decision and you can follow your decision. So, I

decide not to eat cake, I have very strong willpower, so I never eat cake.

M: Uhu.

C: If I don’t have strong willpower, maybe I sometimes…

M: You’ll eat cake.

C: Secretly eat cake in the middle of the night from my refrigerator.

M: So, that happens, right? Sometimes you don’t have strong enough willpower, so you

kind of eat a little bit of cake…

C: Yeah, so…

M: When nobody’s watching.

C: Exactly, and you can have willpower about lots of different things, so this is a great word

again to use when you’re talking about dieting or smoking or drinking.

M: Any type of maybe temptation.

C: Mm, exactly.

M: Alright, and, well, she said she had this urge to reach for her pack of smokes.

C: Ooh, urge is another good one and it’s very similar to willpower, but an urge is kind of

like a physical feeling that makes you want to do something.

M: So, you have like this strong desire.

C: Uhu, so, I have the urge to go swimming today. I don’t know why, but I really want to.

M: Alright, you have an urge. Interesting word.

C: Pregnant women often have these kinds of things to “I have the urge to do something”.

We also call them cravings.

M: Oh, cravings or urge.

C: Uhu.

M: To do something. Alright, interesting. So, we’ve taken a look at these five great words

and I think we should listen to our dialogue again. We’re gonna slow it down just a little bit

and then we’ll come back and talk some more.


C: And we are back. So, we have a great part of our show. We’re like to talk about some

phrases that help you attain fluency that means sounding like a native speaker of English.

And today’s phrases are wonderful.

M: Alright, so, let’s take a look at them now, in “fluency builder”.

Voice: Fluency builder.

M: So, on fluency builder today let’s take a look at two different phrases and let’s start with

the first one. She mentioned something about going cold turkey overnight. What is that

phrase gold… cold turkey?

C: Uh, this is a very strange phrase. Okay, so, first of all, why would a turkey be cold?

M: Hehe.

C: They have lots of feathers. And second of all, why would… what does it have to do

with cigarettes?

M: Right, so, if I say “I’m going cold turkey”, what is that?

C: So, just take this as a phrase.

M: Uhu.

C: Don’t think about the actual words, because they won’t make sense in this context. What

we’re talking about is quitting smoking entirely. It… you’re not going to cut down. It means

today I’m not gonna smoke at all and I’m never gonna smoke again, that means never ever

will I smoke another cigarette. So, it’s cold turkey.

M: So, if I go cold turkey, it means I stop doing something immediately and suddenly and


C: Entirely.

M: Alright.

C: So, you can use this phrase for different habits, different things that you do like drinking,

for example, or cutting down on sugar.

M: Uhu.

C: But generally we just say this about cigarettes.

M: So, it’s mostly related to smoking.

C: Yeah, so…

M: Going cold turkey.

C: Some people like to smoke less, like one cigarette a day or one cigarette a week, but

going cold turkey is supposed to be the hardest.

M: Right, okay, going cold turkey. Alright, and well, he was explaining the different negative

aspects of smoking. He said well, you know, they spend a fortune on cigarettes every

month and he said laws are cracking down. So, if the laws are cracking down, what is

he trying to say there?

C: Well, this is the actually very interesting point, because in America right now, it’s very

hard to smoke in public places, so this means that the government is trying to stop people

from smoking, so they say “No more smoking in public places; no more smoking in

restaurants, no more smoking in bars”. And so, this is… this means they’re cracking down,

they’re making it harder to do something.

M: So, they are becoming more strict.

C: Uhu.

M: I think for this phrase we should listen to a couple of more examples just to make sure

we understand it.

Voice: Example one.

A: The police are cracking down on drunk driving in our city.

Voice: Example two.

B: Our school has really started a crackdown on tardiness.

Voice: Example three.

C: The president has passed the law that will crack down possession of illegal substances.

M: Alright, so, the government is cracking down laws or cracking down…

C: Yeah, exactly, so, this is an important one, because you read this in newspapers as well

about certain laws and police action.

M: Alright, great. So, I think it’s time for us to listen to this dialogue for one last time and

then we’ll come back and talk a little bit more about this vice.


C: So, do you have a problem with this vice as you call it?

M: Um…

C: Are you a smoker?

M: I’m really not. I’m the type of person that could maybe smoke socially, like if we go out

to a bar with drinks – a social smoker like they call it, right?

C: Yeah, I’m jealous.

M: But not really… you’re a habitual smoker, right?

C: Right, well, I was. I’m trying to cut down, so as a habitual smoker I often smoked


M: Uhu.

C: Sometimes I smoked a lot and sometimes I smoked less, but right now I’m in a period

where I’m mostly quit.

M: Okay, almost.

C: Yeah, well, I haven’t smoked in a while and what I do it’s just one cigarette.

M: Now, it is interesting, because like we mentioned laws are cracking down where you can

smoke, but also taxes on cigarettes are becoming much more expensive, right?

C: Absolutely, especially where I’m from. In Chicago it’s easy to spend maybe ten US

dollars or twelve US dollars on one pack of cigarettes.

M: On a pack of cigarettes, imagine that.

C: Yeah.

M: So, then you have people that can’t help smoking one or two packs a day.

C: Yeah.

M: So, how much is that a month? It’s just an amazing amount of money.

C: Thousands of dollars. Well, and I have to say though, a lot of my friends who used to

smoke in America have quit, so this is maybe working. Uhu.

M: The… the whole thing of making cigarettes…

C: Taxing.

M: More expensive.

C: Yeah, making them much more expansive.

M: Now, another interesting thing and what I was reading recently is that you know those

warnings that come on cigarette packs?

C: Yeah.

M: It says, you know, “smoking kills”, “smoking causes cancer”. Actually, a study has

proven that it’s not effective, that people don’t mind it or even worry about the cautions on

the cigarette packages.

C: Well, as a smoker I could say that yeah, you generally, if you’re gonna smoke a

cigarette, don’t look at the label that much, you just…

M: Hehe.

C: You know, you throw it in your bag and you forget about it.

M: But it’s actually gone to the point where people choose the cigarette pack based on

the picture, so it’s like “Oh yeah, give me that one with the black lungs” or “Give me that

one”, you know…

C: Oh, God.

M: Yeah, it… it’s interesting. So, it’s not really working. I guess, uh, we’re gonna have to

find other ways to make people more conscious about this vice.

C: We should, uhu.

M: But, ah, come to our website at englishpod.com, tell us what you think about this, uh,

vice – smoking. Is it good? Is it bad? Are you a habitual smoker or just a social smoker?

C: Yeah, we also have lots of great stuff… tools for you on our website and expansion

sentences and all that stuff that helps you continue your studies outside of, well, the car or

your house. Um, so, check it out. Let us know what you think and until next time…

M: Alright, we’ll see you there.

C: Bye!

M: Bye!





樂聆進(jìn)入國內(nèi)市場的時(shí)間尚未算長,但在業(yè)內(nèi)已經(jīng)有了良好的口碑,其產(chǎn)品性價(jià)比得到業(yè)內(nèi)眾多汽車改裝音響大師的一致認(rèn)同?!叭腴T級別的價(jià)格,高端的音樂享受”是眾多同行對樂聆音響的一致評價(jià)。 樂聆電子是全球主要汽車音響專業(yè)生產(chǎn)商之一,除總部立基于美國外,更積極布局全球構(gòu)筑運(yùn)籌體系并擴(kuò)增營運(yùn)據(jù)點(diǎn)于亞洲及北美等各地,以提供全球客戶迅速且彈性的服務(wù)。 自1996年起,樂聆即以專業(yè)的制造技術(shù)及堅(jiān)實(shí)的研發(fā)團(tuán)隊(duì),由初期音響配件之制造廠,至2001年,跨入汽車音響電子產(chǎn)業(yè),開始生產(chǎn)汽車功放系統(tǒng),發(fā)展成目前的規(guī)模。 今天的樂聆一直以優(yōu)異的表現(xiàn)領(lǐng)先同業(yè),建立了良好的信譽(yù)。所生產(chǎn)的汽車功放、揚(yáng)聲器質(zhì)量性能兼具,物美價(jià)廉,更以穩(wěn)健開闊的步伐積極向"科技創(chuàng)新,引領(lǐng)生活″的企業(yè)愿景邁進(jìn)。 為適應(yīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)全球化的發(fā)展,樂聆電子相繼在臺灣和中山設(shè)立了子公司和生產(chǎn)基地,并充分利用全球化的優(yōu)勢,力求降低生產(chǎn)成本,為市場和客戶提供最具性價(jià)比的汽車音響產(chǎn)品,始終積極遵循把真正的實(shí)惠帶給廣大汽車音響愛好者的企業(yè)理念。


與中小學(xué)對接的獻(xiàn)愛心 環(huán)保 交通等都可以




由于多數(shù)玩家反應(yīng)《S戰(zhàn)機(jī)》頗具難度,為了讓玩家在游戲時(shí)能更加順暢,游戲代理商淇倫互動特別向原廠表達(dá)臺灣玩家的意見,因此義大利原廠 Atlanteq 特別公布終極密技,要讓玩家可以輕松突圍,以下為密技輸入方式: ???? 在游戲主畫面下時(shí)輸入 cizzico 這幾個(gè)英文字母后,當(dāng)輸入成功時(shí),畫面會閃動一下,這個(gè)時(shí)候玩家就可以擁有“無限生命”以及“無限制彈藥”,希望各位玩家有了這個(gè)終極密技后,可以更盡興的體驗(yàn)這款射擊游戲。 ?


搶劫罪是指以非法占有為目的,以暴力、脅迫或者其他方法,強(qiáng)行劫取公私財(cái)物的行為。搶奪罪是指以非法占有為目的,公然奪取數(shù)額較大的公私財(cái)物的行為。二者的區(qū)別主要是: 1、客觀行為不相同。搶劫罪表現(xiàn)為當(dāng)場使用暴力、脅迫或其他強(qiáng)制方法,強(qiáng)行劫取公私財(cái)物,而搶奪罪表現(xiàn)為乘人不備公然奪取數(shù)額較大的財(cái)物,使他人來不及反抗; 2、客體不完全相同。搶劫罪不但侵犯了他人的財(cái)產(chǎn)權(quán)利,還侵犯了他人的人身權(quán)利,而搶奪罪則一般只侵犯了財(cái)產(chǎn)權(quán)利; 3、犯罪后果要求不同。搶劫罪對財(cái)物的數(shù)額沒有要求,而構(gòu)成搶奪罪要求搶奪的財(cái)物數(shù)額較大。根據(jù)司法解釋,搶奪公私財(cái)物價(jià)值人民幣500元至2000元以上的,為“數(shù)額較大”。 4、主觀故意的內(nèi)容不同。搶劫罪是希望或準(zhǔn)備以武力或類似性質(zhì)的力量迫使被害人失去財(cái)物,是希望在被害人不能反抗或無法反抗的情況下取得財(cái)物,而搶奪罪是以突然取得財(cái)物的故意實(shí)施的,是希望通過趁被害人不備而取得財(cái)物,而不是希望通過武力威嚇迫使被害人失去財(cái)物。 5、量刑的力度不同?!缎谭ā返诙倭龡l 以暴力、脅迫或者其他方法搶劫公私財(cái)物的,處3年以上10年以下有期徒刑,并處罰金;有下列情形之一的,處10年以上有期徒刑、無期徒刑或者死刑,并處罰金或者沒收財(cái)產(chǎn):(一)入戶搶劫的;(二)在公共交通工具上搶劫的;(三)搶劫銀行或者其他金融機(jī)構(gòu)的;(四)多次搶劫或者搶劫數(shù)額巨大的;(五)搶劫致人重傷、死亡的;(六)冒充軍警人員搶劫的;(七)持槍搶劫的;(八)搶劫軍用物資或者搶險(xiǎn)、救災(zāi)、救濟(jì)物資的。 第二百六十七條 搶奪公私財(cái)物,數(shù)額較大的,處3年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制,并處或者單處罰金;數(shù)額巨大或者有其他嚴(yán)重情節(jié)的,處3年以上10年以下有期徒刑,并處罰金;數(shù)額特別巨大或者有其他特別嚴(yán)重情節(jié)的,處10年以上有期徒刑或者無期徒刑,并處罰金或者沒收財(cái)產(chǎn)。


列舉出來有如下幾種型號:SC型、SB型、TC型、TB型、新纖維型油封TCK、VC型、VB型、KC型、KB型、TCV型、TCN型、TCZ型以及TC4、TB4型這七大類NOK油封。 油封簡介: 油封(oil seal)是一般密封件的習(xí)慣稱謂,簡單地說就是潤滑油的密封。它是用來封油脂(油是傳動系統(tǒng)中最常見的液體物質(zhì),也泛指一般的液體物質(zhì)之意)的機(jī)械元件,它將傳動部件中需要潤滑的部件與出力部件隔離,不至于讓潤滑油滲漏。靜密封和動密封(一般往復(fù)運(yùn)動)用密封件叫油封。 油封的代表形式是TC油封,這是一種橡膠完全包覆的帶自緊彈簧的雙唇油封,一般說的油封常指這種tc骨架油封。


酒店管理、旅游管理、會展策劃與管理、國際郵輪乘務(wù)管理、空中乘務(wù)、應(yīng)用日語、應(yīng)用韓語等專業(yè)。 青島酒店管理職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院是經(jīng)山東省人民政府批準(zhǔn)、教育部備案的全日制普通高校,是山東省首批特色名校、山東省首批優(yōu)質(zhì)高等職業(yè)院校、青島市首批品牌高職院校、教育部第一批教育信息化試點(diǎn)單位。 學(xué)院的前身是1945年成立的私立青島商科職業(yè)學(xué)校,2002年在青島商業(yè)學(xué)校和山東省飲食服務(wù)技工學(xué)?;A(chǔ)上創(chuàng)辦青島酒店管理職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院。 截至2018年10月,學(xué)院占地面積為4395****平方米,教學(xué)科研及輔助用房面積為1093****.61平方米,行政辦公用房面積8587平方米,設(shè)有8個(gè)二級院部,開設(shè)38個(gè)高職專業(yè),有教職員工650名,全日制在校生14000人。



